Team Associated SC10.2 Factory Team


car, short course truck, scale: 1:10, electric motor, 2WD, NiMH

Main (Team Associated SC10.2 Factory Team)
Type the car
View car short-course truck
Scale 1:10
Engine electric motor
The number of control channels 2
Management from a mobile device
Specifications (Team Associated SC10.2 Factory Team)
Drive 2WD
Dimensions and weight (Team Associated SC10.2 Factory Team)
Battery (Team Associated SC10.2 Factory Team)
Battery type NiMH
Trim (Team Associated SC10.2 Factory Team)
Trim (Team Associated SC10.2 Factory Team)
Additionally you want - 2-channel - transmitter battery pack - paint - tires - motor - battery charger
Length 550 mm
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